Border Collie Bull Staffy: Pictures, Info, Care Guide & More

The post Border Collie Bull Staffy: Pictures, Info, Care Guide & More by Misty Layne appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

Deciding what dog breed to adopt can prove challenging. There are just so many breeds out there! It makes narrowing your options down seem impossible. That’s why it’s so vital you do some research into the breeds you’re considering.

If you’ve been hunting for a hybrid dog breed, but one that’s a bit less common, you might want to look at the Border Collie Bull Staffy. This dog breed is sweet and loving to their families but also highly protective, so they make wonderful guard dogs. They’re also incredibly high-energy, so they’re perfect for those who are active.

Breed Overview


18–23 inches


30–45 pounds


10–15 years


Black, brown, red, white

Suitable for:

Active families and singles, those with dog training experience


Protective, playful, affectionate

As you probably guessed from the name, this dog breed is a mix of the Border Collie and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. As a hybrid breed, the Border Collie Bull Staffy has inherited a wonderful blend of characteristics from their parent breeds, including playfulness and dominance. The number one thing this breed has inherited, though? Their high energy!

Border Collie Bull Staffy Puppies

Border Collie Bull Staffy puppies are cute as a button and incredibly loving. However, they do bark quite a bit. Because this breed is alert and overly protective of their owners, they’ll bark to notify you of any little movement or sound. Be aware of that if you live in close quarters with others!

When it comes to locating a Border Collie Bull Staffy puppy, chances are good you’ll have to get one from a breeder. There may be a slight chance you’ll find one at your local shelter or through a rescue organization, but most likely, you’ll be getting your pup via a breeder. As such, ensure you’re choosing a reputable breeder who isn’t afraid to let you ask questions about the puppy’s family history and what genetic testing has been done.

Border Collie Bull Staffy Origin & History

No one is quite sure where the first Border Collie Bull Staffy originated, but we do know about the origins of this hybrid breed’s parents.

The Border Collie has existed for at least 130 years and was first found near the Scottish and English borders. These canines worked as herders on sheep farms, and their heritage and development were very much tied to the development of farming livestock and the wool trade in the United Kingdom.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier originated in England and was initially used as a fighting dog in bloodsports. The breed is a cross between a bull and a terrier, though the exact kinds are unknown. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier we know today underwent a lot of breeding to get where it currently is.

Image Credit: (L) Koen Adriaenssen, Shutterstock | (R) Eve Photography, Shutterstock

Temperament & Intelligence of the Border Collie Bull Staffy

This dog breed’s temperament will depend greatly on which parent breed they take after more. Overall, though, you’ll find the Border Collie Bull Staffy to be an affectionate, loving, intelligent, and energetic pup. However, these canines can also be overly protective, extra alert, territorial, and wary of or even aggressive towards strangers. With their families, though, the Border Collie Bull Staffy is sweet as can be.

These dogs adore being in the midst of the action and their people’s attention, so they’ll want to be involved in everything you do. Due to their highly energetic natures, this breed can also be quite playful. Be prepared for lots of running, walking, and playing with these pups!

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

This breed makes a wonderful family pet. The Border Collie Bull Staffy is excellent with children, as well as incredibly patient, so these dogs and kids tend to get along well. These pups are also extremely loyal to those they perceive to be part of their family.

If you do have kids and they have friends visit, it’s advisable to keep your dog in another room, though. If a Border Collie Bull Staffy believes rough housing is actually a threat to one of their family members, they could become protective or aggressive.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

A Border Collie Bull Staffy can get along well with other dogs and even cats, provided they’ve grown up with these animals and view them as family. However, these canines do have a bit of a prey drive, so cats and smaller animals shouldn’t be left unsupervised with them lest they give chase. Early socialization is important for all breeds, particularly this one, so don’t skip out on this! When it comes to animals outside the immediate family, such as a friend’s dog or cat, the Border Collie Staffy may be less friendly (at least at first). Again, extensive early socialization will help your dog become friendlier and less cautious around others they don’t know.

Things to Know When Owning a Border Collie Bull Staffy:

There is much more to know about these canines besides their temperament, though! To properly care for a Border Collie Bull Staffy, you need to learn about their exercise needs, how they operate during training, and more.

Food & Diet Requirements

Like all canines, the Border Collie Bull Staffy requires a high-quality diet. This dog’s particular diet should consist of high-protein dog food. Because this breed is so active and muscular, they need that protein to keep up with all the energy they expend! Choose a food specifically for medium-sized breeds to be sure your pup receives all the nutrients they need.

Be careful not to overfeed your Border Collie Bull Staffy, as they can be a bit prone to obesity. Talk with your vet about how much to feed your dog each day, as the portion listings on dog food bags aren’t necessarily accurate for all dogs.


Because both the parent breeds for this canine are incredibly active, the Border Collie Bull Staffy is the same. These pups are full of never-ending energy, so your dog will require at least an hour of exercise each day. This exercise should involve walks, hikes, runs, games in the backyard, and playtime. If this isn’t a time commitment you can make, this isn’t the breed for you. If a dog isn’t properly exercised, they quickly become bored, leading to destructive behavior.


This dog breed is intelligent, which is important for training. However, they are also strong-willed, which can make them somewhat of a handful during training. These pups pick up new tricks and concepts fast but will constantly challenge you while they’re doing so. Because of this, these dogs aren’t necessarily the greatest for novice dog owners.

If you find yourself having trouble training a Border Collie Bull Staffy, seek a professional trainer. You absolutely cannot skip training and early socialization with this breed; if you do, you could have a dog on your hands who never listens and who is fearful enough of strange people and animals to be aggressive toward them.


Your Border Collie Bull Staffy will require daily brushing as their coat is quite dense. Brushing every day will help keep this breed’s coat from becoming matted and help remove dead hair (which is essential as these pups are moderate shedders). Your pup will only need an occasional bath, probably a monthly one unless they run through mud or become exceptionally filthy. We recommend an oatmeal shampoo, which will be gentler on their coat and skin.

Besides that, you should ensure you’re keeping your dog’s nails trimmed, brushing their teeth regularly, and cleaning their ears routinely to avoid ear infections.

Health and Conditions

The Border Collie Bull Staffy is an exceptionally healthy canine with limited potential health issues. There are a handful to watch for, though.

Minor Conditions

Lens Luxation

Serious Conditions

Congenital Heart Defect
Hip Dysplasia

Male vs Female

There aren’t significant differences between female and male Border Collie Bull Staffies. Males can be slightly more dominant, territorial, and just a touch more energetic. However, these traits are still found in the females of this breed.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Border Collie Bull Staffy

Ready to learn even more about the Border Collie Bull Staffy? Here are three more facts you may not know!

1. The breed resembles the Staffordshire Bull Terrier more in appearance.

They may inherit personality traits from both parent breeds, but when it comes to appearance, the Border Collie Bull Staffy most often resembles the Staffordshire Bull Terrier rather than the Border Collie.

2. This breed is not recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Because the Border Collie Bull Staffy is a hybrid breed, it is not recognized by or registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC).

3. Their coat is water-repellent.

If you have a Border Collie Bull Staffy with a penchant for swimming, you’ll find that their coat actually repels water!

Final Thoughts

The Border Collie Bull Staffy may be a bit of a less common hybrid breed, but these canines are truly terrific. They make fantastic pets for active families and singles and are not only companions but protective guard dogs. This breed isn’t recommended for novice dog owners, though, as they do tend to be dominant, making them more of a challenge to train.

Featured Image Credit: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock

The post Border Collie Bull Staffy: Pictures, Info, Care Guide & More by Misty Layne appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

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